Good Imprint is a compact, responsive and reliable CD mastering and web design house based in Sussex, UK. All projects benefit from an imaginative but always considered approach to technology, a flair for presentation and near fanatical attention to detail.
Present and past clients include: Alden Bookset ⋅ Alner Hamblin Electronics ⋅ AMB Technology ⋅ Annals of Botany Company ⋅ APR ⋅ Simon Austin ⋅ Barbican ⋅ BBC ⋅ Brockwell Associates ⋅ Chrysalis Coaching ⋅ Classic FM Magazine ⋅ Classical Recordings Quarterly ⋅ CRQ Editions ⋅ Conrad Merrin ⋅ Cooper Hill ⋅ Peter Dickinson ⋅ East Grinstead Music & Arts Festival ⋅ East Grinstead Town Twinning Association ⋅ Kate Garcia ⋅ Gramophone ⋅ Grant Thorp ⋅ Headphone Test Lab ⋅ Hi‑Fi News ⋅ Angelika Howard ⋅ Hypopara UK ⋅ International Record Review ⋅ Kava Communications ⋅ Kennetbridge ⋅ Lifescape ⋅ MARQ magazine ⋅ Macsen ⋅ The Original Tooth Fairy ⋅ Ormrod Originals ⋅ Omen Ra ⋅ OxCHEPS ⋅ Philip Allan Updates ⋅ Stephen Plaistow ⋅ Red Orange Recordings ⋅ Run Off & Restructuring ⋅ Schmart ⋅ SomCom ⋅ SOMM Recordings ⋅ Songlines ⋅ The Johann Strauss Society of Great Britain ⋅ Uley Under 5s Playgroup ⋅ William de Wilde ⋅ Wintershall ⋅ Adrian Zuckerman
Good Imprint is greatly experienced in the exacting discipline of professional level audio CD mastering. It provided this service to the world music magazine Songlines for almost all of its cover sampler, bonus and annual Awards discs from shortly after the publication was launched in 1999 up to and including the October 2022 edition.
It did the same for Gramophone from January 2000 until the October 2010 issue after which the magazine discontinued its CD, and for Classic FM Magazine from 2001 until its demise following the April 2012 issue.
In total Good Imprint has mastered more than 500 of these sampler CDs.
All aspects of Red Book production are catered for, including waveform editing, level matching, custom track point and indexing, coding for ISRC, copy inhibition and SCMS. Proof copies are provided either online via a customised, cross-platform DDP Player or physically on CD‑R and duplication masters as a DDP disc image uploaded direct to the replication plant.
Good Imprint is much occupied in the design and implementation of websites, large and small and has supplied this service to clients in the academic, arts, broadcasting, charity, consumer electronics, consumer magazine and industrial design worlds. Good Imprint specialises in 'clean', functionally elegant websites that are inviting to look at, informative and quick to display.
Options include database-driven pages using MySQL with PHP, an approach conferring many advantages, not least the option of including a sophisticated, in-house developed content management system that enables the client to use a standard web browser to add pages or to update, archive or delete existing material. Many of the sites shown in the sample Portfolio above are configured in this way.
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